"Humdinger" (Redacted sender "humdingerb" for DMARC)
2016-10-08 07:17:55 UTC
Hi there,
I'm looking into the noto fonts recipes and discovered that the old
URI https://www.google.com/get/noto/pkgs/NotoSans-hinted.zip isn't
valid anymore.
Looks like you can only download all fonts packed together, a whooping
472MiB zip!
One solution would be to get the particular fonts directly from their
github at https://github.com/googlei18n/noto-fonts
The downside is, that this means that their checksum keeps changing
(as was recently discovered with the gyp package).
So... do we just drop the checksum altogether?
If so, should we simple always get the master or do we get a specfic commit?
Or should we just grab the fonts and host them on HaikuArchives?
Any better ideas?
Did you know:
If half the Haiku supporters at http://www.goodsearch.com
made 10 searches a day, we could have a fulltime developer.
I'm looking into the noto fonts recipes and discovered that the old
URI https://www.google.com/get/noto/pkgs/NotoSans-hinted.zip isn't
valid anymore.
Looks like you can only download all fonts packed together, a whooping
472MiB zip!
One solution would be to get the particular fonts directly from their
github at https://github.com/googlei18n/noto-fonts
The downside is, that this means that their checksum keeps changing
(as was recently discovered with the gyp package).
So... do we just drop the checksum altogether?
If so, should we simple always get the master or do we get a specfic commit?
Or should we just grab the fonts and host them on HaikuArchives?
Any better ideas?
Did you know:
If half the Haiku supporters at http://www.goodsearch.com
made 10 searches a day, we could have a fulltime developer.